No policies have ever been framed for youth. No holistic & complete education is available to Youth. Why, Youth is never made the main agenda of any Political Party? Why, no Political Party of Youth has taken shape? Why, Youth is not playing any major role in shaping the political Destiny of the Country? Why, Youth is not proportionately represented in the Parliament? When there is a proposal to allot certain seats for women in the parliament, why no such proposal is moved and no laws are passed for youth by the Govt. When the Constitution provides for reservation of certain seats of Parliament to SC and STs, why no such constitutional provision for the youth. Youth of today has no caste, no creed, & no religion. Youth is only Youth. Youth could be either Dr., Er., Scientist, Teacher, Student, Farmer, Labour, Businessman, customer, and yet we have no policies for youth.

Rajnish Jha Adheesh Raj Bhalla


National Youth Party aims at making India a Capable Country, Competent Country, Prosperous Country, Safe country, Brave Country, Proud country and a Young Country. The Party wants to see the Country and the Indians, competent in a way, where their thoughts are progressive, vision is lucid and clear, scientific in approach, liberal & democratic in behaviour, brave & proud of their lineage and where citizen are continuously engaged in reconstructing a new India. And where every youth is ready & willing to sacrifice everything to make the Country on top of the World again, Indian Scientists lead all over the world; Militarily and Morally strong India; Free from terrorism and discontent, free from internal & external danger concerns, National Youth Party is committed to make India a Wonderland once again. The Party also aims at constructing a democratic set-up, which allows every citizen to enjoy equal opportunities of work and expression, irrespective of any discrimination of any nature.

Work Culture

We believe that the Parliamentarians should have a fixed minimum qualification and hence, only graduates can be nominated as candidates. The Country is worried about the increasing criminalization of politics, yet the political parties make these criminal elements, their candidates for elections. National Youth Party will neither make any criminal or their relatives its candidate, nor will it give criminal elements any chance to work for the Party.

Cast-ism and Regionalism are bane for the society and the Country and prove detrimental in uniting the country; hence none of its candidates shall be allowed to us surnames or caste names. Party will announce its candidates five years before and after giving proper and efficient training shall nominate them for elections. Women Reservation Bill could not be passed by Parliament, even after several attempts from the Govt. party does not feel any need for such a Bill to be passed by the Parliament. The party shall give 50% of tickets to women candidates, so that people have a choice, which they chose.

That is why 50% tickets of the Party shall be given to Young Men and rest 50% to the Young Women. The party aims at selecting able and committed youth, from all over the Country, to contest elections for the Party. All young people, who do not get a chance because of lack of political clout or social one-upmanship, shall be given a chance by the Party.

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